Affiliate Marketing Answered My Prayers

by Bob

For a long time now, I had been looking for a venue that would bring in decent second income and at the same time engage me into something useful. However, all my attempts in trying to find such a business failed. Then one day, I got lucky!!!

I met an old uncle of mine who I had not been in touch with for the last fifteen years. Last I heard, he and his family had moved to the West Coast. Thanks to Facebook, we connected and then one thing led to another. I found out that he was doing very well. Apparently, he had come into the world of affiliate marketing about five years ago and since then there had been no turning back.

I requested him to guide me and show me the ropes. Over the next few days, through chatting and phone calls, I learnt all there was to know about affiliate marketing. It was literally a prayer answered. The effort required was not so much as the amount of return received.

The trick of the trade was to ensure that you divert traffic to the websites. Whether this was done by posting interesting stories or writing a few appreciative words, or making your website as attractive as possible, all of it was part of the game.

Another great opportunity was to build a niche store with EBay. I could choose from one of their many products and then build my own store on line. I would have to pay no fees, store no inventory and pay no rent for my store. I could literally make money sitting at home, watching TV!!!

These and other such options, given to me by my uncle, opened up a whole new avenue of opportunities for m e. in the coming week; I will be on the roll and headed to make some real money. The prospect of running my own show thrills me and motivates me to do more, learn more and of course, sell more. I want to be a champion affiliate,

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