BookmarkingDemon Review

Edwin Brian, creator of
hates web promotion. But like every good web entrepreneur he has to get traffic to his websites in order to be successful.
No matter what you sell on the web, if you want to get traffic to your website, it is imperative to build backlinks, get indexed in the search engines and get your name out there.
Web promotion is about links coming into your website. The more incoming links from established websites with pagerank, the more traffic you will receive.
If you build one million sites with no pagerank that the search engine spiders never see, it simply doesn't matter how much work you put into them. It will all be for naught.
There are one million and one tactics on the web to get your site indexed. For better and sometimes for worse these strategies will work.
However, there simply aren't enough hours in the day to hit every social bookmarking site with information about your website.
Bookmarking Demon helps get the word out about your website, and if you know anything about social bookmarking sites, traffic comes pretty quickly behind your announcement that you are there.
If you are looking for an effective means of promoting your website or websites, Bookmarking Demon is the way to go. It allows you to post to multiple social bookmarking sites including the giants like among others as well as some of the scuttle sites. It is quick, easy and works like a charm.
There are one million and one tactics on the web to get your site indexed. For better and sometimes for worse these strategies will work.
Back in the Day...
Before social bookmarking, submitting your site to directories was the strategy of choice. Then came the next big thing - Blog and Ping.
Perhaps one of the most powerful systems for web promotion, it worked well for a while. It worked, that is, until the search engines changed their algorithms.
Other methods still work like the time-honored article submission method but it is very labor intensive and time consuming.
You could get an SEO expert if you have the money to pay someone to do it for you or you can take advantage of the technology and run with the revolution. And BookmarkingDemon can have you running past the speed of light!
Thank goodness for Social Bookmarking!
With Social Bookmarking you are no longer at the whim of the search engine algorithm.
While it does get you indexed, it lists you in places where people interested in your products and services are reading.
Whether through RSS readers or bookmarking sites, people sign up and surf there because they want specific information.
Yes, they might look on the search engine. However, today it is more about having it delivered to your RSS inbox. It is hot off the press, so to speak.

Social bookmarking sites catalog and store links to websites. Millions of people go to these sites looking for links to specific information.
With that in mind, you sign up and post links back to your website on specific topics. You post and people will follow the links back to you.
Some sites even allow voting for how good your information turns out to be. So, gone is the generic traffic. Interested visitors arrive via your link.
In essence if you can reach a lot of social bookmarking sites you will get the following:
- Targeted Traffic. There is nothing like it.
- Fast search engine indexing. SEO spiders love social bookmarking sites
- Higher search engine ranking. Because your links are on high-traffic sites, you get more search engine love.
- Better pagerank. It improves with more incoming links to your site.
BookmarkingDemon is now on Version 3, and has added a number of really nice bells and whistles including setting a range of delay between bookmarking pages so that you can avoid tripping spam flags when you post to multiple sites.
Another nice feature is a footprint reducer with the ability to register and login with different names. Bookmarking demon will pick one at random when it logs into the site.
There is also the ability to randomize the title, keywords and descriptions, again allowing for a more natural posting look and feel.
These sort of things have the potential to be used for spamming social bookmarking sites. BookmarkingDemon is a very powerful piece of software that when used correctly will make your life a lot easier to manage especially if you have a number of sites to post for.
This concludes of our BookMarkingDemon Review! Please send us some comments and tell us what you think!
BookmarkingDemon also has a tool for blogging known as BlogCommentDemon! Check it Out here!